Saturday, August 30, 2014
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Aug. 25-27th climb having a great climb
The Aug. 25-27th climb checked in and were all doing great yesterday. The team was moving up to the Flats and preparing to rest up for their summit attempt. Hopefully we'll get a couple photos to share here as well.
Aug 23-25 Rainier Summits!
The Rainier 3-day climb over the weekend summitted with great weather and route in fine shape. The team saw the solar effects on the snow in action as the guides dug a new platform and moved the weatherport at Camp Muir due to the snow melting out so rapidly. Thanks to the guides for their efforts on keeping the Weatherport ship shape. Congratulations to the team on making the summit!
Monday, August 25, 2014
Aug 21-23 Muir climb photos
Lead guide Devin Bishop sent in some photos from their weekend summit of Mt. Rainier via the Disappointment Cleaver. It was a beautiful morning and a tremendous summit experience was enjoyed by all.
Early morning atop the Cleaver
Climbing Columbia Crest
Friday, August 22, 2014
Aug 21-23 Muir climb: day two
Weather is pretty nice today at high camp, though a bit colder than of late. Did some snow school this morning then travelled to Ingraham Flats this afternoon. Be eating dinner and going to bed soon to get rest before our summit bid tonight!
Hiking through beautiful alpine meadows on day one
August 19- 21st Rainier climb summits!
The Aug. 19-21st Rainier climb successfully summitted amidst some windy and cold conditions. The burrito meal on night one was a big hit, followed by a bacon, eggs, and pancake breakfast the next morning before snow school. The team had a great time and everyone descended safely yesterday. Congrats to the team!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Aug. 18th Emmons Climb Returns Safely
The Emmons climbers made it back safely to Seattle this afternoon. After guides went up to scout the route, they found unfavorable late season snow conditions on the route above Camp Schurman. Rather than making a summit attempt, the team had a fun time yesterday with crevasse rescue practice, learning how to prussik out of a crevasse, and enjoying the sunshine. The group descended from Camp Schurman today and back to the trailhead, and then returned to the office this afternoon.
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Thanks to guide Danny Ozment for this pic from Day 1 of the climb |
August 17- 22nd 6-day team Summits Mt. Shuksan!
The 6-day team just called to check in and say that 100% of the team was able to summit Mt. Shuksan today. They enjoyed a beautiful day and great views- a fine reward for their efforts. The team is all well and making their way back to high camp. They will spend the night there and then descend to the trailhead and return to Seattle tomorrow. Congrats to the team!
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Aug. 18-21 Emmons Climb checks in
All is well with the Emmons climbers. The team is on Day 2 of the trip and spent the first 1/2 of the day moving up to Camp Schurman. The group is safely at camp and all set up. They are working on assessing the route and later season conditions before deciding on a summit attempt tomorrow.
Rainier climb August 15-17 Fred Hutch climbers!
Thanks to Lisa Carlson for passing along this photo from the August 15-17 Rainier trip. Many Fred Hutch Climb for Breast Cancer climbers were on the trip and celebrated on the summit!
Monday, August 18, 2014
August 15-17- 100% Success on Baker
The Mt. Baker climb had 100% success with all team members reaching the top. They started out in dark, low cloud cover but were able to break out of it around 9,000' to spectacular bluebird skies. Congratulations to the team!
Aug. 17-19 Rainier Climb doing well
The Aug. 17-19 team checked in from Camp Muir this morning. The team is doing well and will be moving to high camp any time now. They may also get the experience of seeing a helicopter flying to/from Camp Muir, bringing needed supplies that are too heavy or bulky to be carried up on foot.
August 15-17 3-day climb summits!
The Rainier 3-day team summited over the weekend. The summer weekends are understandably a popular time for guided and independent climbers to attempt the DC route. The team left early to manage the crowds, had a great climb and descended safely.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Aug 13-15 Rainier climbers doing great
The DC climbers checked in and all is well at Camp Muir. The team walked up in cloud cover yesterday and are working on skills this morning before moving to high camp. Everyone did great getting up to Camp Muir today, and are excited for moving up the mountain. Best of luck to the team!
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Emmons Climbers turn at 13,100' in deteriorating conditions. All safe at Camp Schurman
The Aug. 10-13th Rainier Emmons climbers made a great attempt at the summit yesterday, but turned around at 13,100' in deteriorating snowy and windy conditions. The team made a safe descent to Camp Schurman where they were glad to be in their tents during overnight rain. They are now working on packing up camp and descending down to the White River trailhead, and then will be heading back to Seattle this afternoon.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Monday, August 11, 2014
Aug 9-11 Muir climb photos
Couldn't have asked for better weather or a finer group of climbers. Good times were had and we were treated to a Super Moon at sunset!
Aug. 10-13 Emmons Climb resting at Camp Schurman
The Emmons team has successfully moved up to Camp Schurman and will spend the rest of the afternoon resting up, fueling, and hydrating before their summit attempt in the early hours tomorrow morning. There is some cloud cover and the team is watching the weather. Everyone is doing well and looking forward to going for the summit!
August 9-11 3-day Rainier Climb Summits!
We heard from the team last night and they summitted! They were back at High Camp eating soup and resting up. They will head back down the Muir snowfield and to Seattle today. Congrats to the team!
Friday, August 8, 2014
Thursday, August 7, 2014
6-Day Course Summits Eldorado!
Guide Danny Ozment just called to check in from the 6-day course. The entire team summitted Eldorado Peak this morning, and are enjoying "perfect" weather today. Everyone has had an awesome trip this week. They are beginning their descent and will head back to Seattle tomorrow. Nice work!
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Emmons Trip Checks In
The Emmons crew is doing well, and they reported that they made it to 8,000' on the Interglacier in style yesterday. The team will head up to Camp Schurman today.
10-day Team Attempts Summit
The 10-day checked in yesterday evening! They were unable to summit, but all is well with the team. They are headed back to Seattle today.
Monday, August 4, 2014
10-day team doing great
We just got a quick update from the 10-day team on their Kautz climb. The group is camped at 9900' above a feature known as the "Castle". The group is doing well and getting ready for their move up before their summit attempt.
3-day climbers check in
The 3-day climb is doing great and settled into the tents at high camp at Ingraham Flats. The team is enjoying the sunshine and resting before they get up for their summit attempt around 11:30 or midnight. Best of luck to the team!
Aug. 3-8 Mountaineering course checks in from the North Cascasdes
The 6-day mountaineering course is doing great and having a slower day after a big push getting up into Eldorado basin yesterday. It's a long approach with very warm weather yesterday, but the team did great and pushed on to reach camp. This morning they were practicing knots and rope work in camp before packing up to move to their next camp for this evening. They are in a gorgeous location with great weather, and everyone is looking forward to the rest of the week!
Aug. 1-3 Rainier climbers Summit
We had a bit of technical trouble getting an update out over the weekend, but our climbers on the DC climb enjoyed fair weather and great climbing conditions. The team included many Fred Hutch Climb for Breast cancer climbers/ fundraisers, and we'll post a couple photos when we get them in. Congrats to the team!
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Baker Climb Aug 1-3: Summit Success!
A brilliant top out was enjoyed by all yesterday afternoon. A warm and windless summit allowed us to hang out and enjoy the views; great snow conditions afforded a swift descent in good style where we were treated to another spectacular sunset before a restful night's sleep. Now we're on our way to Sedro Woolley for a post-climb celebration. Ciao!
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Friday, August 1, 2014
Aug 1-3 Baker climb
All are at high camp, fed and watered. Was a warm hike with tremendous views and a spectacular sunset.
Photos: Devin Bishop
6-day Course Summits Baker!
The July 27- Aug. 1st 6-day mountaineering course had a great week on the north side of Mt. Baker this week. They successfully summitted yesterday, putting all the skills of the week into practice on a summit bid via the Coleman-Demming glacier. The team is grabbing a bite to eat in Sedro-Wooley and will be headed back to Seattle this afternoon.
July 28th-August 6th 10-day Trip Checks in from Baker
The 10-day trip just called to check in from Mt. Baker. The team just summitted! They are having a great trip with solid weather. The team will transition and head to the Kautz on Mt. Rainier tomorrow.
July 30- Aug. 1 Rainier Climb Summits!
The Rainier climbers had a great trip up the DC route the past couple of days. The team successfully summitted and were speedy in their descent. After a celebration meal in Ashford, the team is now headed back to Seattle. Congratulations to the group on reaching the summit!
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